
Welcome to my blog. I guess you can say I dream a lot. Daydream, perhaps, is a better word. In that sense, I take after one of my childhood/YA characters Anne Shirley, the one with the red hair who talked a lot, and made everyone around her feel joyful and live life to their fullest. As Anne said, “It’s not what the world holds for you, it’s what you bring to it.” After graduating college, I felt a bit lost for several years and floated in and out of work, until I settled with a social services agency as a program assistant. I dreamed that another life was out there for me, and I realized I loved books, history, and constantly learning new things. The library profession called to me, and I answered. I am into all kinds of books: mysteries, romance, and classics. In recent years I have read more YA, particularly books on vampires (Twilight) and dystopian themes (Divergent, The Giver). Something about these novels with young teens battling dark forces and acting years beyond their age resonates with me. I’m also into music and film, and love watching the film versions of a lot of these books. As a teen I read a lot, especially magazines, but also enjoyed getting together with my friends each week for pizza and movie watching. I was drawn to the “smart” girls in class, I think partly because I was always trying to prove to myself that I was just as smart. We listened to lots of music (INXS, U2, Cranberries, Depeche Mode) and talked about the things most girls talk about.

Thanks for reading!